Monday, October 15, 2007

A dirty way to become a millionare - how to get rich

A dirty way to become a millionare - how to get rich
I saw an interesting article in the USA TODAY called, It's a dirty job, but you can get rich. Here is what the article said along with my comments.

James Dillard, owner of Dillard's Septic Service in Annapolis, Md., once rolled his company truck. In the septic business, that's about the worst thing that can happen. He was fortunate. The front of the truck wound up facing uphill in a drainage ditch and the load drained out the back and not into the cab.

An interesting way to start this article about how to get rich. It is almost like the old saying get rich or die trying. What's interesting about this article is not about how to get rich online. It is about jobs that most people don't want to do. Every wonder how many millionares there are in the lawn service and landscaping business? I remember when I was a kid I use to cut like 6 or 8 lawns a week. How many kids do you see cutting lawns now days? Not many it is mostly big companies or adults cutting lawns. Think about it the smart ones are charging a minimum of $25 a lawn and if the have more than one lawn in the area they can pull in a pretty good wage in one hour.

Dillard goes most days without getting a splash on his clothes. "The only odor you catch is when you take off the cap and agitate the solids," he says. Dillard runs a business that most others wouldn't touch. Dillard knows that, but he takes it to the bank. He understands the attitude. His father was in the septic business, and when Dillard was in school, he was a little embarrassed by him. Dillard tried other occupations, including managing a furniture store. But he has circled back to septic, where he now charges $200 to $300 a visit. At about five stops a day, his annual income passes six figures with months to spare.

The fantastic thing about this business is that is is ressession proof business. People can't stop so they are always going to need a cleaning. It's a pretty good wage, $1000 to $1500 per day.

Turns out there are a lot of people doing well by running businesses large and small that others consider mundane, boring, beneath them or downright disgusting. Their success flies in the face of perhaps the most pervasive piece of career advice out there, which goes like this: Do something you enjoy, and the money will follow. Or, work at what you love, and you'll never feel like you work for a living.

A friend of mine started a company that takes down water towers. His business now takes down over 130 water towers a year. I am not sure in this case that no one wanted to take down water towers. In this case it was just no one new how and they did.

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