Tuesday, March 27, 2007

CEO Pay Executive Compensation

Tired of your boring job? Feel like you will never get ahead? Looking for ways to increase your compensation. You need to be the CEO of the company. Executive compensation was on a tear in 2006. Here is just a snap shot of some of the highest paid CEO from last year.
  1. Merrill Lynch CEO, Stanley O'Neal $91 million
  2. AT&T CEO, Edward Whiteacre, $60 million
  3. Coca Cola CEO, Neville Isdell, $32 million
Check out this chart from the Wall Street Journal on Executive Compensation for 2006. I don't know how someone survives on $91 million a year, but I am willing to try.

Businessweek just did and interesting article on the relationship between a CEO home size and the stock performance. There study indicates that company stock of the CEOs who have a smaller home tend to do better than the ones who have the mega mansions.

Related reading: Rites of Passage at $100,000 to $1 Million+: Your Insider's Lifetime Guide to Executive Job-Changing and Faster Career Progress in the 21st Century

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