Sunday, January 01, 2012

Weight Watchers Round 2 (Day 1)

Well it is a new year. Happy New Year! Time for a new set of New Year's resolutions.

Weight lose goal: My goal is to loose the same 45 pounds I already lost. At 46 I had my hip replaced on October 5th of last year. Leading up to the hip replacement I got slower and less inclined to work out. So the weight that I lost on Weight Watchers over 3 years ago came back. Of course eating out in restaurants a lot did not help either. So I am going to jornal about my progress in hope to encourgage other people to loose weight. It doesn't matter what program you use however you do need a program. I am using Weight Watchers since it worked for me before. For me there are several key habits to Weight Watchers success.

  1. Counting points - I am on the system from 3 years ago. Since I know that Weight Watchers points system.

  2. Water: Driving lots of water.

  3. Exercise: Getting the cardio work outs in. Since my hip replacement I prefer to either walk, use the Precor Eliptical, or swim. I am looking forward to bike riding in the summer.

Status: Day 1, 245 pounds, counted points, 30 minutes walking.

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